
After a successful Installation, the quickest way to start with hybrid computing is the anabrid command line tool. It will take care of the lower-level initialization and communication with your analog computer. See below for some examples or read the Commandline Reference section.

Connecting to an Analog Computer

Connect your analog computer to the computer on which you installed pyanabrid. Depending on the type of analog computer, this will be different. Follow the guide you received with your analog computer.

The ../modelone/index for example is connected via an USB serial port or in newer version via ethernet. If you use the serial connection, you will need information on which port is used on your computer and the baudrate (default is 115200). If you use the ethernet connection, you will need to know the IP address of the analog computer in your network.

Starting an interactive shell

With the information on how you connected your analog computer, you can start an interactive shell, with which you can control it. Each analog computer registers a subcommand with the common anabrid command line tool. You can check their respective commandline reference for more information. For the ../modelone/index this subcommand is called modelone.

To start a shell on a Model-1 analog computer connected to the port /dev/ttyUSB0 with baudrate 115200 execute the following command.

pyanabrid modelone -d /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 115200 shell

Inside the shell, you may use several commands to change the configuration of the analog computer or start a computation (a so-called “run”).

Model-1 >> set-element-config 0x0080/0 factor 0.7
Model-1 >> set-readout-elements 0x0120/0
Model-1 >> run
# Run result
# id_ = 1
# created = 2022-12-20 15:16:09.241935
# flag externally_halted = No
# flag overloaded = No
# time  value   element state
# ... data ...

The shell has auto completion so it’s a great way to interactively explore your analog computer.
