11. Services

This section lists the names and explains the maintenance of the REDAC-specific software on The Super Controller Server. This also includes the supervision of log files and their general availability.

First of all, all REDAC software comes dockerized and/or is maintained as systemd services. One of the most important properties is that all relevant services come up automatically on system boot. This is ensured by having

  • Python daemons being directly started by systemd units (within their relevant virtualenv).

  • Single docker daemons being directly started by systemd units.

  • Docker-Compose services being automatically started by docker.

If you don’t know how to maintain a sytemd service, please advise any contemporary linux administrators manual. The same applies with docker and in particular docker-compose.

11.1. Relevant systemd units

The relevant systemd units are named:

You can edit the service description files in /etc/systemd/system/<nameOfService>.

For each service, you can its status with sudo systemctl status <nameOfService>. You can view the relevant logfiles with sudo journalctl --unit=<nameOfUnit> (with <nameOfService> = <nameOfUnit>.service). Helpful options for journalctl are the follow flag -f to get interactive, continous output as well as the date filtering such as --since today to see the relevant logs only.

This is the output of a typical status report:

you@redac1-sc0 $ sudo systemctl status supercontroller-proxy.service
o supercontroller-proxy.service - REDAC SuperControl Proxy
    Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/supercontroller-proxy.service; static)
    Active: active (running) since Tue 2025-02-11 07:34:48 UTC; 5min ago
  Main PID: 3718259 (python)
      Tasks: 2 (limit: 38307)
    Memory: 26.5M (peak: 27.0M)
        CPU: 995ms
    CGroup: /system.slice/supercontroller-proxy.service
            +- 3718259 /home/anabrid-admin/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/pybrid-computing-XZRhPXGJ-py3.12/bin/python -m pybrid.cli.base --log-level=DEBUG redac -h proxy --ma>
Feb 11 07:34:57 redac1-sc0 python[3718259]: 57.677 | WARNING | proxy | Target for MAC mapping from 00-00-00-00-00-00 to 04-E9-E5-17-E5-4F does not exist.
Feb 11 07:34:57 redac1-sc0 python[3718259]: Starting proxy on Press Ctrl+C to exit.

Furthermore, the following services are part of ubuntu software packages, they are not custom REDAC software but relevant for correct operation:

  • caddy with its configuration file at /etc/caddy/Caddyfile. This is the HTTPS webserver, REST reverse proxy and main entrypoint. After changing the configuration file, a service caddy reload is sufficient.

  • ssh is the OpenSSH server which is crucial for managing the system from remote.

  • lightdm is the graphical display manager (greeter), see also Login and usage of the server. When you have trouble with the graphical terminal, try to restart this service.

11.2. Docker service overview

The following docker services are used/installed:

  • redac-keycloak is a single keycloak image from dockerhub, managed by a systemd unit (see above) with relevant options in the service description file.

  • Grafana as a docker-compose setup

You can get a quick overview about running services with these commands:

you@redac1-sc0 $ sudo docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                  COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS                  PORTS                                                                                  NAMES
bb9982649e60   quay.io/keycloak/keycloak:26.0.7       "/opt/keycloak/bin/k…"   47 minutes ago   Up 47 minutes           8443/tcp,>8080/tcp, :::8080->8080/tcp, 9000/tcp                          redac-keycloak
b9ce90eaa284   redis2influx                           "poetry run python -…"   21 hours ago     Up 14 hours                                                                                                    redis2influx
f0b7f3d79034   grafana/grafana-oss                    "/run.sh"                21 hours ago     Up 14 hours   >3000/tcp, :::3000->3000/tcp                                              grafana
515dd4d984cc   influxdb:2                             "/entrypoint.sh infl…"   21 hours ago     Up 14 hours   >8086/tcp, :::8086->8086/tcp                                              influxdb
c1ef8172ab3b   redis/redis-stack                      "/entrypoint.sh"         21 hours ago     Up 14 hours   >6379/tcp, :::6379->6379/tcp,>8001/tcp, :::8001->8001/tcp   redis
20dacd1c8e2a   ghcr.io/goauthentik/server:2024.12.2   "dumb-init -- ak wor…"   4 weeks ago      Up 14 hours (healthy)                                                                                          authentik_worker_1
4376dc22d03d   ghcr.io/goauthentik/server:2024.12.2   "dumb-init -- ak ser…"   4 weeks ago      Up 14 hours (healthy)>9000/tcp, :::9000->9000/tcp,>9443/tcp, :::9443->9443/tcp   authentik_server_1
fddcad498baf   postgres:16-alpine                     "docker-entrypoint.s…"   4 weeks ago      Up 14 hours (healthy)   5432/tcp                                                                               authentik_postgresql_1
716681800dab   redis:alpine                           "docker-entrypoint.s…"   4 weeks ago      Up 14 hours (healthy)   6379/tcp                                                                               authentik_redis_1

For instance, the Grafana installation is managed with

you@redac1-sc0:/path/to/grafana # docker-compose ps
    Name               Command            State                                         Ports
grafana        /run.sh                    Up>3000/tcp,:::3000->3000/tcp
influxdb       /entrypoint.sh influxd     Up>8086/tcp,:::8086->8086/tcp
redis          /entrypoint.sh             Up>6379/tcp,:::6379->6379/tcp,>8001/tcp,:::8001->8001/tcp
redis2influx   poetry run python -m src   Up

Further details will follow as soon as the software is more mature. There will be a focus on installation-specific details.

11.3. How to (re-)install the relevant software on the server

In most cases, reinstallation will be as easy as an docker-compose pull. Note that the REDAC software for the super controller is not open sourced and thus updates will be provided by anabrid if there is an appropriate contract discussing this in detail.

In the moment, please refer to the section about Software in the developer’s manual for further detail.