6. Anabrid Operations


This section is dedicated to the REDAC1 Systems Operations Team at anabrid GmbH. The term REDAC1 refers to the REDAC system with serial number 1, which is build for the customer DLR-QCI. During 2025, anabrid will operate the system on a transitional basis for and in the interests of the customer. In particular, software solutions that are not part of REDAC are provided and operated within this transitional time. These are listed in this section and their use is documented. There is no documentation regarding administration, as administration is carried out by the Anabrid Systems Operations Team.

Within this transitional time, the system operated by anabrid is globally reachable via the internet at https://redac.anabrid.com

schema drawing

Fig. 6.1 Overview about the REDAC-internal services vs. the services operated by anabrid.

6.1. List of provided services

The following services are not part of REDAC but part of the operations teams, next to the actual REDAC hardware and software maintenance. Similar systems are supposed to be hosted by a REDAC customer. See also figure Overview about the REDAC-internal services vs. the services operated by anabrid. for an overview.

Systems Access to redac.anabrid.com

General system access is provided over anabrid paid 1gbit/sec symmetric internet fiber uplink which has a guaranteed uptime of certainly less then 99% (i.e. 14min downtime per day).

Systems website landing page “User Interface” https://redac.anabrid.com/ui/

This is a little static website (Sveltekit) which is managed, amongst other static assets, via SFTP. The website itself, in particular, is a goodie and not part of the official software infrastructure

Status Page https://status.anabrid.net/status/redac1

Anabrid operates a number of status services which allows to have a quick overview about the availability and reliability of the services. The reachability of the REDAC1 System is monitored on this website.

Grafana dashboard https://stats.redac.anabrid.com/

For demonstrating/displaying temperature readout. Runs as a docker container on the SuperController.

JupyterHub instance https://jupyter.redac.anabrid.com/

This is a Kubernetes cluster operated by the OPs team which has direct access to REDAC internal network. However, it is physically hosted and served not on SuperController but dedicated bare metal digital hardware.

Authentification https://auth.redac.anabrid.com/

Anabrid transitionally operates the user authentification system for REDAC1. The underlying software system Keycloak is an official suggestion to be used also by the customer within the REDAC software infrastructure, cf. Authentification.

User Helpdesk https://helpdesk.anabrid.com/

Anabrid runs a ticketing system in order to provide help for REDAC1 users. This is a company wide ticketing system where anabrid employees help on improving the customers jorney. Users can open a ticket straight on the helpdesk or write a mail to helpdesk@anabrid.com. Please insert the term REDAC1 in the subject message of your tickets. Clearly, this ticketing system is not part of REDAC infrastructure.

Anabrid User Hotline 0049 30 629 3047 20

Anabrid runs a telephone line which allows people to ask for help within regular office hours. There is no guarantee that support can be provided via telephone. However, the onsite team in Ulm is always happy to receive inqueries at a direct visit.

6.2. User account creation

Self-Registration is enabled for all user accounts ending on @dlr.de. Otherwise, user accounts have to be manually activated by the operations staff. Primary contact happens via the anabrid helpdesk.


REDAC has a standalone user account system (see Authentification) which is by no means related to any institutional user managament systems by DLR or anabrid.

6.3. Profile user data policy

Users who want to use the system up have to agree to the european General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The following minimum amount of data is collected:

Technical Data
  • User IP address

  • technical browser/client identification information (for instance software versions)

  • Queries sent to the system and replies got

Retention period: Logging and Performance evaluation, data is intentionally preserved only for a fixed period of time and never leaves the system (i.e. the Super Controller).

Organizational Data
  • Personal identification features (real name, business address, institutional affiliation, telephone number, e-mail address)

  • System Username

  • System Password (only stored in encrypted form according to common cryptographic industry standards)

  • A list of authorised security tokens such as a SSH public key or a JWT access token.

  • Given consent obtained for personal data processing in accordance with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation, legislation in Germany)

Retention period: Data are preserved for the full period of operations, even after the user intentionally deleted his account. This is neccessary for project reporting and evaluation.


When using any services provided by anabrid, the general privacy policy by anabrid applies. It can be found at https://anabrid.com/privacy-policy. Furthermore, the general terms and conditions by anabrid apply. They can be found at https://anabrid.com/agb