18. Appendix
18.1. On the REDAC handbook
Most of the developers manual is about external documentation and material, in particular in the Software section but also the Hardware section. In contrast, this section is all about the REDAC manual itself, i.e. this documentation.
Technically, this is a documentation made with Sphinx. This allows a single reStructuredText base to be generated to interactive HTML websites as well as printable Latex PDFs.
18.1.1. About the versions
This documentation is versioned because it is improved over the time. You are currently viewing the document release v1.0-NN-g6a89d8f from Feb 19, 2025.
This version string is compatible to git describe,
i.e. it reads something like v1.2.3-NN-g1234567
. Here, v1.2.3
refers to the
actual version whereas the suffix -NN-g1234567
is only there if this version is
actually unnamed and follows after \(N\) commits after the versioned commit.
The actual git shorthash is then suffixed after the -g
18.2. List of Abbreviations
REConfigurable Analog Computer
- Model-1:
Analog Paradigm Model-1 Computer
- INT:
- INV:
Dual Inline Memory Module (Form factor for PCBs)
- DDR:
Double Data Rate
- DDA:
Digital Differential Analyzer
- ACN:
Analog Compute Node
- CN:
Compute Node
Crosspoint-switch / Crossbar-switch
- AD:
Analog Digital
- DA:
Digital Analog
- AC:
Alternating Current
- DC:
Direct Current
- DC/DC:
DC-to-DC Converter (Power Supply)
- DAC:
Digital to Analog Converter
Multiplying Digital to Analog Converter
- ADC:
Analog to Digital Converter
- DPT:
Digital Potentiometer
- LSB:
Least Significant Bit
- INL:
Integral Nonlinearity
- DNL:
Differential Nonlinearity
- VDD:
Drain Power Voltage
Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor
N-type Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor
P-type Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor
- PCB:
Printed Circuit Board (Electronic Circuit Board)
- IC:
Integrated Circuit or Initial Condition (depending on context)
- OP:
Operating Mode
Halting Mode
- AMP:
(Operational) Amplifier
- OPA:
Operational Amplifier
- OPV:
Operational Amplifier
- SMD:
Surface Mount Device
Small Outline Integrated Circuit
Thin Shrink Small Outline Package
Very Thin Shrink Small Outline Package
- GBP:
Great Britain Pound
- PT1:
First Order System with One Pole
- GND:
- RRO:
Rail to Rail Output
- RRI:
Rail to Rail Input
- CM:
Common Mode
- SR:
- GBW:
Gain Bandwidth (Product)
- MUX:
Single Pole Single Throw
Single Pole Dual Throw
- SPI:
Serial Peripheral Interface
- M-Block:
Math Block
- U-Block:
Voltage Block
- C-Block:
Coefficient Block
- I-Block:
Current Block
- T-Block:
Topology Block
- FDT:
- PPV:
Perturbation Projection Vector
- NP:
Nondeterministic Polynomial (Complexity Context)
- P:
Polynomial (Complexity Context)
Multi-Time Partial Differential Equation
- PDE:
Partial Differential Equation
- pDGL:
Partial Differential Equation (German: Partielle Differentialgleichung)
- DMA:
Direct Memory Access
- HC:
Hybrid Controller
- CU:
Control Unit
- FlexIO:
Flexible Input and Output Peripheral (NXP)
General Purpose Input and Output Pins/Ports
- CLK:
Clock Signal in Serial Interfaces (e.g., SPI)
Master In, Slave Out (SPI Data Line)
Master Out, Slave In (SPI Data Line)
- CS:
Chip Select (SPI Signal Line)
Conversion Start Signal of an ADC
- PWM:
Pulse Width Modulation
- CMP:
18.3. Glossary
- Backplane
A circuit board for housing and connecting carrier modules. The circuit board is the defining element of the iREDAC.
- Carrier Module
A circuit board with DIMM slots and a VG strip: accommodates functional blocks and the CTRL block. This board is the defining element of the mREDAC and LUCIDAC.
- Cluster
2x M-, 1x U-, 1x C-, 1x I-Block.
- Carrier Module Prototype
1x Cluster and 1 CTRL-Block on a carrier module (=LUCIDAC, but not explicitly mentioned).
- REDAC Carrier Module
3x Clusters and 1 CTRL-Block on a carrier module.
- Functional Block
General term for M-, U-, C-, I-Block.
- CTRL-Block
Control block: Interface between analog switching technology and digital computer.
- Cluster
2x M-, 1x U-, 1x C-, 1x I-Block.
- M-/U-/C-/I-Block
Mathematical or computing element, voltage coupling, coefficient, current coupling block.
- Configuration, Circuit, Program
A data record that fully describes the analog interconnection of the REDAC. In the case of mREDAC, this primarily includes the UCI configuration, MIntConfig, and UBlockAltSignals. The UCI configuration can be represented in different matrix-like conventions or as a list of routes. See also specializations below, such as Irreducible Configuration or Cluster Configuration.
- Interconnection Configuration
(As an alternative or German equivalent to “Configuration, Circuit, Program,” or at least a preferred term in the report) A specific interconnection between virtual or real computing elements. In current usage, it is unclear whether the configurations (e.g., initial values) of the elements are included, but they actually should be.
- Cluster Configuration
A restriction of the configuration, e.g., to a single cluster.
- Setting, Adjustments (but not: Configuration)
(Typically user-configurable runtime) settings in the Teensy that affect only the functionality of the Teensy itself and not the mREDAC configuration, i.e., the analog circuit. An example is the IP address of the Teensy.
Note: A setting is something the administrator sets. A config is something the user sets.
- Lane
One of 32 lines through the UCI block: Leads from a U-block output through a DPT into an I-block input. As a data type, a lane is an integer in the range [0,31]. Also called a UCI lane.
The term “Lane Index” should be avoided; a lane always refers to an index.
- Crosslane, short: Clane
One of 16 lines leading from the MBlock into the UBlock or from the IBlock back into the MBlock.
The term “clane index” should be avoided; a clane always refers to an index.
- (Physical) Route
4-tuple: (uin, uout, cval, iout), where uin and iout are crosslanes and uout is a lane. cval is a coefficient value (float in the range [-20,+20]). There are a maximum of 32 routes in the mREDAC.
The iout value in a route is optional, as it can also lead to a virtual output (see below).
- Compute Element, Element Description
A type description of a computing element, i.e., it describes the name and inputs/outputs but not the internal structure or behavior.
- Element Name
By convention, the following computing element names are used in mREDAC: Mul, Int, Daq, Extout, Extin, Const, Pot.
- Physical Compute Element
A computing element in the M-Block or C-Block, currently Int, Mult, and Coeff. The term refers to an abstract element, i.e., its type (structure/behavior) and not where it is located in the computer.
- Virtual Compute Element
A computing element that cannot be physically localized cleanly, currently including External Inputs, External Outputs, DAQ Outputs, Constant Generators, and (arguably) Summators.
- Stateful Compute Element
In general, compute elements are stateless. In mREDAC, only integrators and potentiometers have an internal state, and their types contain information such as IC, k0, or coeff-value.
- Source, Output Compute Element
A monadic compute element with no output, i.e., a compute element with an empty input-port list and an output-port list containing only one element, conventionally called “source.” In mREDAC, these include External Input elements or constants.
All source elements in mREDAC are necessarily virtual computing elements.
- Sink, Input Compute Element
The opposite of a source. In mREDAC, these are, for example, DAQ Output elements.
All sink elements in mREDAC are necessarily virtual computing elements.
- Compute Element Port
Each computing element has a list of inputs and outputs. Entries in this list are called “ports.” By convention, monadic compute elements have only an “in” and an “out” port. Dyadic compute elements conventionally have “a” and “b” ports as outputs.
- Assigned (Physical/Virtual) Compute Element
A computing element localized in the system: Typically, computing elements can be described by an index (in mREDAC) or by a hierarchical device-tree-like structure (in REDAC).
- Virtual/Physical Assigned Compute Element Port
A combination of the above concepts, meaning a localized port of a specific computing element in the system. This concept also applies to virtual computing elements, which are simply numbered.
- Virtual Route, also: Logical Connection
An unrouted route that connects two virtual (typically assigned) compute element ports.
- Logical Route
A virtual route after Pick & Place, meaning it has, in the case of mREDAC, one or more candidate lanes assigned.
- Auxiliary Block Configuration
Something like U-Block-Alt-Signals or MInt-Block configurations.
- Irreducible Configuration
Description of the UCI matrix with as few degrees of freedom/variants as possible. This is either a description as a route list or as three U/C/I lists, all of which are input-centric.
- Input-Centric Configuration, Output-Centric Configuration
Describes different ways to represent (linearize) UCI matrices. In the U-Block, the adjacency list of the U-Matrix is simultaneously an input-centric configuration and thus irreducible, as it is a simple list. In the I-Block, it is an output-centric configuration and thus a list of lists that can be represented as an input-centric one.
- MBlock Setup
Describes which type of MBlocks sit in which MBlock slots. In the simplest case, this is a mapping of slot indices/coordinates to MBlock types.
- Routing Error
Description of a result of a compilation step.
- Physical Routing
Result of the P&R compilation step. The result includes not only physical routes but also a list of potential routing errors and the U-Alt-Block allocation.
- SendEnvelope and RecvEnvelope
Generic envelope types for the JSON protocol. They always have an id (string, should be a UUID), a message type (string, from a list of supported messages), and a message type. A JSON schema should exist that covers all possible envelopes. The RecvEnvelope is similar.
- Serialized Program, Exported Configuration
Dump of the data structure of a configuration in an appropriate data format such as JSON/YAML/etc. This should also include version information for reloading.
- Structure Description (!= Hardware Description)
The description of the fundamental mathematical structure of an analog computer. In REDAC, for example, this includes the fact that signals pass through a coefficient and are then summed, meaning only fully multiplied terms can be computed, such as a*x + a*y but not a*(x+y). The structure description of an analog computer is static and does not change.
Required for the synthesis step of the compiler.
- Behavioral Description (!= Hardware Description)
The description of the behavior of the analog computing elements and thus the analog computer. This corresponds to the mathematical modeling of a computing element. For example, an integrator is described by the temporal integral over its input signal. The behavioral description of a computing element is static and does not change.
- Hardware Description (= Resource Description, = Hardware Configuration)
The list of all available computing elements (potentially implicitly defined by MBlock types) and the available interconnections (potentially implicitly defined by types and positions on backplanes, etc.).