Low Level HAL
Digital Bus
Chip communication
namespace functions
namespace for internal helpers
The AD8402 is a two channel, 8 bit digital potentiometer.
Calculation of actual resistance values is a bit complicated and greatly depends on the hardware conditions. Writing raw values is sufficient for our uses in m block calibraiton.
class AD5452 : public functions::DataFunction
- #include <AD5452.h>
The AD5452 is the 12-Bit Multiplying DAC, used in the C-Block (one AD5452 per lane).
This class encapsulates the SPI programming access to the chip.
Public Functions
void set_scale(float scale)
Value gets clamped to min and max values.
void set_scale(uint16_t scale_raw)
void set_scale(float scale)
class AD8402 : public functions::DataFunction
- #include <AD840X.h>
Public Functions
bool write_channel_raw(uint8_t ch, uint8_t raw)
Channel can be 0 or 1. Will return false on invalid channels.
Public Static Attributes
static const SPISettings DEFAULT_SPI_SETTINGS = {4'000'000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE3}
bool write_channel_raw(uint8_t ch, uint8_t raw)
class AD8403 : public functions::DataFunction
- #include <AD840X.h>
The AD8403 is a four channel, 8 bit digital potentiometer.
Calculation of actual resistance values is a bit complicated and greatly depends on the hardware conditions. Writing raw values is sufficient for our uses in m block calibraiton.
Public Functions
bool write_channel_raw(uint8_t ch, uint8_t raw)
Channel can be beteen 0 and 3.
Will return false on invalid channels or on invalid readbacks in pedantic mode
Public Static Attributes
static const SPISettings DEFAULT_SPI_SETTINGS = {100'000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0}
bool write_channel_raw(uint8_t ch, uint8_t raw)
class AD9834 : public functions::DataFunction
- #include <AD9834.h>
Public Functions
bool init()
Initialises the chip and puts it into sleep mode.
void write_frequency(float freq)
Sets the frequency of the sine / triangle output in Hz.
Note that the square output will always operate on half of the specified frequency.
void write_phase(float phase)
Sets the phase of the outputs synchronised to the reset pin. Possible values are mapped to [0, 2PI].
void write_wave_form(WaveForm wave_form)
Sets the wave form of the function generator output.
float get_real_frequency() const
Returns the actually set frequency, containing rounding errors.
float get_real_phase() const
Returns the actually set phase, containing rounding errors. Possible values are [0, 2PI].
void sleep()
Sets the sine / triangle output to zero. The square output will stay at high or low level.
void awake()
Resumes outputs to regular operation, according to the previously specified frequencies.
Public Static Attributes
static const SPISettings DEFAULT_SPI_SETTINGS = {4'000'000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE2}
static uint16_t REG_FREQ_0 = 0x4000
static uint16_t REG_FREQ_1 = 0x8000
static uint16_t REG_PHASE_0 = 0xC000
static uint16_t REG_PHASE_1 = 0xE000
static uint16_t REG_FREQ_MASK = 0x3FFF
static uint16_t REG_PHASE_MASK = 0x0FFF
static uint16_t CONTROL_B28 = 0x2000
static uint16_t CONTROL_HLB = 0x1000
static uint16_t CONTROL_FSEL = 0x0800
static uint16_t CONTROL_PSEL = 0x0400
static uint16_t CONTROL_PINSW = 0x0200
static uint16_t CONTROL_RESET = 0x0100
static uint16_t CONTROL_SLEEP1 = 0x0080
static uint16_t CONTROL_SLEEP12 = 0x0040
static uint16_t CONTROL_OPBITEN = 0x0020
static uint16_t CONTROL_SIGNPIB = 0x0010
static uint16_t CONTROL_DIV2 = 0x0008
static uint16_t CONTROL_MODE = 0x0002
static float MASTER_CLK = 75000000.0f
bool init()
class DAC60508 : public functions::DataFunction
- #include <DAC60508.h>
The DAC60508 is the 12-Bit 8-channel DAC, used in the MInt-Block for the initial conditions.
This class encapsulates the SPI programming access to the chip.
Public Functions
uint16_t float_to_raw(float value) const
Value gets clamped to min and max values.
float raw_to_float(uint16_t value) const
bool set_channel_raw(uint8_t idx, uint16_t value) const
Raw value can be between RAW_ZERO and RAW_MAX.
bool set_channel(uint8_t idx, float value) const
bool init() const
bool set_external_reference(bool set = true) const
bool set_double_gain(uint8_t idx, bool set = true) const
bool set_double_gain(bool set = true) const
Public Static Functions
static inline uint8_t REG_DAC(const uint8_t i)
Public Static Attributes
static uint8_t REG_NOOP = 0
static uint8_t REG_DEVICE_ID = 1
static uint8_t REG_SYNC = 2
static uint8_t REG_CONFIG = 3
static uint8_t REG_GAIN = 4
static uint8_t REG_TRIGGER = 5
static uint8_t REG_BROADCAST = 6
static uint8_t REG_STATUS = 7
static uint16_t RAW_ZERO = 0x0
static uint16_t RAW_MAX = 0x0FFF
static const SPISettings DEFAULT_SPI_SETTINGS = {4'000'000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE2}
uint16_t float_to_raw(float value) const
class DataFunction : public functions::Function
- #include <functions.h>
A DataFunction class wraps SPI communication over the digital bus.
The communication is configured at constructor level, while the transfer functions basically decorate the Arduino/Teensyduino SPIClass access with hardware bus addressing.
Subclassed by metadata::MetadataMemory< 256 >, functions::AD5452, functions::AD8402, functions::AD8403, functions::AD9834, functions::DAC60508, functions::EEPROM25AA02, functions::SR74HC16X, functions::SR74HCT595, functions::SyncFunction, functions::TMP127Q1, functions::UMatrixFunction, metadata::MetadataMemory< dataSize >
Public Members
const SPISettings &spi_settings
const SPISettings &spi_settings
class EEPROM25AA02 : public functions::DataFunction
- #include <EEPROM25AA02.h>
Subclassed by metadata::MetadataEditor
Public Functions
size_t read(size_t address, size_t length, uint8_t *buffer) const
Reads the specified number of bytes starting at address into the specified buffer. Returns number of read bytes on success, 0 on failure.
bool read8(size_t address, uint8_t *data_out) const
Reads one byte at the specified address into the provided pointer. Returns 0 on failure.
bool read16(size_t address, uint16_t *data_out) const
Reads two bytes starting at the specified address into the provided pointer. Returns 0 on failure.
bool read32(size_t address, uint32_t *data_out) const
Reads four bytes starting at the specified address into the provided pointer. Returns 0 on failure.
size_t write(size_t address, size_t length, const uint8_t *buffer) const
Writes the specified number of bytes starting at address into the specified buffer. Returns number of written bytes on success, 0 on failure.
bool write8(size_t address, uint8_t data) const
Writes one byte at the specified address Returns 0 on failure.
bool write16(size_t address, uint16_t data) const
Writes two bytes starting at the specified address Returns 0 on failure.
bool write32(size_t address, uint32_t data) const
Writes four bytes starting at the specified address Returns 0 on failure.
Public Static Attributes
static const SPISettings DEFAULT_SPI_SETTINGS = {4'000'000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0}
static uint8_t ADDRESS_UUID = 0xF8
class Status
- #include <EEPROM25AA02.h>
Public Functions
inline explicit Status(const uint8_t data_)
inline explicit operator uint8_t() const
inline bool is_write_in_progress() const
inline bool is_write_enabled() const
inline bool is_block_zero_protected() const
inline void set_block_zero_protection(bool on = true)
inline bool is_block_one_protected() const
inline void set_block_one_protection(bool on = true)
inline void set_block_protection(bool on = true)
inline void unset_block_protection()
inline bool is_any_block_protected() const
inline explicit Status(const uint8_t data_)
size_t read(size_t address, size_t length, uint8_t *buffer) const
class Function
- #include <functions.h>
Function classes encapsulate digital bus calls.
This base class stores the bus address while child classes may store additional configuration data or even communication states.
Subclassed by functions::DataFunction, functions::TriggerFunction
class ICommandRegisterFunction : public functions::SR74HCT595
- #include <icmd.h>
DataFunction to transfer 32bit of data to the I-Block matrix command registry.
Data is [8bit 4_* SR][8bit 3_* SR][8bit 2_* SR][8bit 1_* SR] -> [0-15 X 0-07][16-31 X 0-7][0-15 X 8-15][16-31 X 8-15] [ input X output ] matrix Each is [DATA Y2 Y1 Y0 X3 X2 X1 X0] Data bit comes first, most significant bit comes first (in SPI)
See chip_cmd_word and IBlock::write_to_hardware for more information and the actual calculation of the bitstream.
Public Functions
Public Static Functions
static uint8_t chip_cmd_word(uint8_t chip_input_idx, uint8_t chip_output_idx, bool connect = true)
Public Static Attributes
static const SPISettings DEFAULT_SPI_SETTINGS{4'000'000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE2}
static uint8_t chip_cmd_word(uint8_t chip_input_idx, uint8_t chip_output_idx, bool connect = true)
class SR74HC16X : public functions::DataFunction
- #include <SR74HC16X.h>
Public Static Attributes
static const SPISettings DEFAULT_SPI_SETTINGS{4'000'000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE3}
static const SPISettings DEFAULT_SPI_SETTINGS{4'000'000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE3}
class SR74HCT595 : public functions::DataFunction
- #include <SR74HCT595.h>
The SR74HCT595 is an 8-Bit Shift Register with 3-State Output Registers.
It is used for instance at the MIntBlock and the CBlock.
Subclassed by functions::ICommandRegisterFunction
class SyncFunction : public functions::DataFunction
- #include <functions.h>
class TMP127Q1 : public functions::DataFunction
- #include <TMP127Q1.h>
Public Static Functions
static int16_t raw_to_signed_raw(uint16_t raw)
static float raw_to_float(uint16_t raw)
Public Static Attributes
static const SPISettings DEFAULT_SPI_SETTINGS = {4'000'000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0}
static int16_t raw_to_signed_raw(uint16_t raw)
class TriggerFunction : public functions::Function
- #include <functions.h>
A trigger function exploits the fact that setting an address on the bus triggers an action (TODO: Is that description right?)
class UMatrixFunction : public functions::DataFunction
- #include <ublock.h>
Public Functions
template<size_t num_of_outputs>
bool transfer(const std::array<int8_t, num_of_outputs> &outputs) const Convert an output array to data packets and transfer to chip.
Timing: ~5microseconds
Public Static Attributes
static const SPISettings DEFAULT_SPI_SETTINGS = {4'000'000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE2}
template<size_t num_of_outputs>
class AD5452 : public functions::DataFunction
Misc Digital IO
doxygennamespace: Cannot find namespace “io” in doxygen xml output for project “hybrid-controller” from directory: ../doxygen/xml/