REDAC HybridController
Firmware for LUCIDAC/REDAC Teensy
As most microcontroller appliances, also the hybrid controller is all about interfacing electronics to the digital world. Therefore, the firmware is basically a big machinery to connect the analog world with the digital one.
The foollowing figure (also available as PDF) gives an overview about the firmware architecture.
The figure shall be proposed from bottom layers (close to analog) to top layers (far away from analog)
Hardware abstraction layer (HAL) and Platform Library
At the heart of the firmware are routines to communicate with the chips built into LUCIDAC, in particular over SPI. This is combined with a number of conceptual libraries for adressing the hierarchical hardware (see also REDAC entitiy concept), for high speed control and memory moving (using NXP FlexIO, basically MCU-integrated programmable logic) and others state managament code.
All this is wrapped up into the Platform Library which completes the C++ API to work with the LUCIDAC. In principle this code could be used as standalone PlatformIO library, incorporating a number of other dependencies from the Arduino universe.
Ontop of this library, we have experience with the following use cases:
- Direct exposure via the (Integration/Unit/etc) testing framework from PlatformIO. This provides a neat way to write small low-level codes directly as little firmware images.
- Remote Procedure Call (RPC) network interface via classical Marshalling/Serialization (see REDAC communication protocol)
- Plugin codes provided by users and loaded at run-time or startup (compile-time).
The IP networking (see Networking for an introduction) is primarily provided by the QNEthernet library. However, the RPC codes can also be used over the virtual serial port (USB).
In terms of networking, the prefered way to communicate with the device is the JSONL TCP/IP service. JSONL effectively is a thin packet-oriented layer ontop of the stream-oriented TCP connection. It is very easy to come up with a client that can speak JSONL and we provide a number of implementations in various languages.
The web stack
Primarily for novice users an embedded webserver is part of the firmware which serves a static image of the lucigui client-side dynamical web software. Given the asymmetric nature of the RPC protocol, websockets are used instead of raw TCP/IP streams. For simple queries, there is also a REST API.
In any way, the web stack has a somewhat experimental nature and can be, if neccessary, disabled either by Build/Feature flags or by Permanent Settings.